
Friday, 11 May 2007

Design / Development Programs Poll Results

Well, a big thank you to everyone who took part in this poll. I've decided to cap it at 200 441 votes as it just keeps on rising. A big thanks to Cameron Adams who featured a link to this poll on his homepage and to Dan Lindop for your kind comments. Well, onto the results. I discovered quite a few programs in the 'other' section that should probably have been in the initial poll such as Indesign(2), eMacs(1), UltraEdit(2), TextWrangler(1), Lotus Notes(1), VIM(1), VI(1), PaintShop Pro(1), ZEND Studio(1), GoLive(1), Coda(1), XARA(2), TextMate(10), skEdit(1), CSSEdit(1), OmmiGraffle(2), Notepad(2), Smultron (1), Quanta Plus(1), jEdit(2), PHP Designer 2007(1), Homesite(1), Inkscape(2), CrimsonEditor(2), SCITE(1), Textpad(1).

I also discovered after posting the blog that it is difficult to decipher between designers, developers and people who do both so the poll should probably have been split into separate elements really. For example, coming from a very technical company I assumed programs like Edit Plus and Visual Studio would feature higher than Dreamweaver but it was probably Graphic Designers as opposed to Web Developers who checked this box. I have analysed the results and split them into the two separate elements.